Sharks and Climate Change The effects of the global warming affect the air, the land and the water of the planet. Its effects do not discriminate areas nor animal species, even if they are large sharks. WHY GLOBAL WARMING AFFECTS SHARKS? Global warming is a...
Sharks Endangered and Conservation If you were face-to-face with a shark, what would your reaction be? Do not worry about getting away as fast as possible. Probably the shark will flee from you first. While it is a truth that some shark species are animals that...
They are not man-eaters Sharks are marine predators, and they consume species that are part of their natural habitat and act on instinct, as the vast majority of living beings on this planet. Their widespread ocean distribution and their physical characteristics are...
Sharks are not man-eaters nor furious beasts that only live to devour everything they find in their path. There is a lot of misinformation about the life of these fish. Some people believe that it is not necessary to protect them because they are ruthless but is not...
Shark Hunting and Commercial Fishing For thousands of years, sharks have been considered to be highly protein food, with great commercial and even recreational value. Shark fishing is a very popular activity around the world, for various purposes. Unfortunately, the...