Answer: The largest species of shark in the world is the whale shark. Curiously, this shark is harmless to humans and only feeds on plankton and small fishes. According to records, the largest whale shark ever caught was 12.6 meters long. Links to other pages in...
Answer: New teeth grow continuously inside shark’s mouth discarding the old ones and renewing them immediately. Therefore, sharks do not have a particular reason to grow new teeth, but they do it all their life going through thousands of teeth during their lifetime....
Answer: Sharks have electroreceptor organs called Ampullae of Lorenzini. They can detect the electromagnetic fields generated by the muscle movements of all living things. This sense is used by sharks to find its prey. Sharks have hundreds to thousands Ampullae of...
Answer: Mako sharks have an endangered status because of the same reasons other shark species have it, excessive human fishing, and hunting, either directly or bycatch. In particular, Mako sharks are victims of an infamous practice called shark finning which consists...
Answer: Like other fishes, sharks breathe by extracting oxygen when seawater pass through their gills. Shark gills are just behind the shark head, and they do not have covers like most fish. The water passes through the gills when sharks are swimming making impossible...
Answer: Scientists think that most of the shark attacks on humans are due to mistaken identity. Observations proved that surfers on surfboards resemble the image of a sea lion a sea turtle or a seal when seen from the bottom of the ocean, making sharks curious to test...