How Big Is The Shark Brain?

Answer: The brain size of sharks is not the same in every shark species, some of them have a Y-shaped brain with two bulbs. Some writers have said that the shark brain is the size of a golf ball, but this is not accurate. The brain mass to body mass ratio in sharks is...

How Many Layers Of Teeth Do Sharks Have?

Answer: They have many rows of teeth in each jaw. Shark teeth quickly fall as they are not firmly attached to the jaws. Therefore they replace the falling teeth with the ones in the row behind.     Links to other pages in this site What Color Is The Hammerhead Shark?...

Why Do People Kill Sharks?

Answer: Sometimes people kill sharks for sport while fishing. Other times, humans kill sharks for fishing to use their meat as food and to use their fins for medicinal purposes. A large number of sharks is a victim of bycatch, as result of commercial fishing since...

How Do Sharks Breed?

Answer: Every species reproduce in a different way. Shark mating is not simple to observe, although most species do it while they swim parallel to each other and the male inserts a clasper into female’s oviduct. There are three ways in which shark pups are born: 1....

How Many Shark Attacks There Are In The World?

Answer: The international shark attack file reported 96 shark attacks worldwide in 2006. From those, 62 were believed to be unprovoked attacks, which mean that humans did nothing to make the shark attack them.     Links to other pages in this site How Many Feet Long...

Why Do Sharks Drown When Pulled Backwards?

Answer: Sharks can drown when pulled backward because water gets inside their gills. Sometimes, fishers kill sharks pulling them backward for a while when taking them back to the shore. The process of breathing in a shark is interrupted when pulled backward.   Links...